Using Partitions

This article shows how to use Partitions to segment and share content with groups of users in ResourceFirst.


About Partitions

A Partition in ResourceFirst is a way to segment groups of users by a partition name. A user designated as a Partition Administrator can share certain elements of ResourceFirst with users in his or her partition.  Currently, Partition Administrators can do the following:

  • Share their Global Filter settings as the default for new users in their partition
  • Share custom views with users in their partition
  • Share Scenarios with users in their partition


Setting Up Partitions

There are three steps to setting up a Partition:

  1. Designate Partition Administrator(s) by granting them Partition Administrator rights – Assign Partition rights to designated administrator(s) for the partition. There can be multiple Partition Administrators to the same partition. Having multiple partition administrators is common with teams who want to share their views with each other so that everyone can work with the same view format particular to just their team.  See Administering Rights and Privileges for information on assigning Partition rights.
  2. Create a Partition – Create the partition via Administration>Lists>Partitions (only ResourceFirst Administrators can do this), Simply add a new partition name to the list.
  3. Designate partition members by specifying the partition name in the Partition field for the appropriate users in the User list (via Administration>Lists>Users).
  • Important: A User can only be a member of one partition at a time.


Using Partitions to Share Information

Note: When sharing global filter settings, views, or scenarios with users in a partition, there is currently no way to see which specific users are members of the partition. Only a ResourceFIrst Administrator can see the Users list to see who is in which partition.


Sharing Global Funnel Filter settings

There may be a default Global Filter setting that a partition group would like new users to access. From that point forward, the partition member can modify the Global Filter settings as needed. The Partition Administrator defines the Global Filter settings.

  • Note: The Partition Administrator Right grants this capability; ask your ResourceFirst Admin.

Two steps to sharing the Global Filter default setting with the partition members:

Step 1: Set the Global Filter to the default settings you want to share. Then, press Reload. Lastly, go back into the Global Settings and press Share for that to be shared.

Step 2: Go to Admin>Lists>Users. For those partition users who you want to reset, go to their row and on the far right of their row press the Reset button. (see screen shot below) Note: If the user is logged in while you are resetting the account, any user action will take precedence. For the reset to work the user must log out then back in.



Sharing Partition Views

  • A Partition administrator will see a “Share View” button at the bottom of any custom view. Clicking that button will automatically share the view with all users in the partition.
  • Views shared in a partition appear in the View dropdown list on the appropriate page for members of that partition to use.


Sharing Scenarios

  • You can mark your scenario as Private. Should you need to share your private scenario with particular colleagues you can by sharing the scenario.
  • Steps to share a scenario:
    • Step 1: In the Global Scenario window, highlight the scenario you would like to share and look to the right side of the row and find the share icon.
    • Click Add on the Share window
    • You are now on the Users to Share With page. By default, the comprehensive list of resources you have permissions to view are listed. If you want to filter for only those members in the partition you are a member, place a check in the box for Filter on Global & Partition users. Next, select as many of those resources as you would like to view your private scenario.
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