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Project Financials

This article describes the uses and features of the Project Workspace Financials page.


The Financials page in the project workspace area is identical to the Financial Area ($) Assignments page except in two respects. The workspace page

  1. has the Post Labor Costs button, and
  2. has assignments for the workspace project only.

The Financial Area ($) Assignments page has financial assignments for all projects in the current data load.

“Post Labor Cost” posts the current labor effort forecast multiplied the labor rate to an automatically created summary Financial Labor assignment.

The labor rate is either a defined monthly rate for the assignment, the resource, the node on the OBS OR the labor rate table if it has been configured. [Upon request, PDWare can set this to use an hourly rate.]

[Note: The financial (or Non-Labor) date range is independent of the labor date range. You can be working with week or month granularity on skill or resource assignments and with quarter or year granularity on financial pages. These operations are common to both types of financial assignment pages, portfolio and individual project workspace.]

How To

Add an Assignment

Step 1: Click the plus + icon at the upper left of the page.


Step 2: Select the Cost Center for the assignment from the OBS drop-down in the dialog.

[Note: Depending on how the environment was configured, the OBS for financials may be identical to the resource OBS or may be a separate Cost Center OBS.]


Step 3: Select one or more financial items and click the Add button.

Step 4: Enter financial values in the appropriate periods in the new assignment(s).

Step 5: Click the Save icon.

Delete an Assignment

Step 1: Select any cell in the row(s) of assignment(s) you want to delete.

Step 2: Click the Trash Can icon at the top left of the page.

To delete multiple assignments, multi-select cells in the target rows

Expose Optional Financial Assignment Fields

See the article Controlling Page Columns. [TO BE ADDED.]

Enter Financial Actuals

If you do not have an automated interface to load financial actuals from an external financial system, financial actuals can be entered manually on either the workspace or Financial Area financial page.

Step 1: Click the Value Type drop down and select Actual.


Step 2: Enter actual values.

Step 3: Click the Save button.

Note: Import from Excel files is an item on the PDWare roadmap as is Copy-Paste to a range of cells.

Post Labor Cost

This feature is currently available only on the project workspace Financial page.

Step 1: Drill down to the Financial Assignments page in the target project workspace.

If there are already financial assignments on the project, the most direct way to drill down is to go to the Financial area ($) Assignments page and click on the target project name on an assignment row.

If there are no financial assignments, click on the project name on any other page and then click on the Financials tab.

Step 2: Click the Post Labor Cost button.

Step 3: Select a start date for calculating labor cost from the current skill and resource assignment demand and click the Post button.



If there is more than one Labor assignment on the project, the first one encountered will be updated with the current labor spend forecast. The update is immediate.

For more on labor rates and cost calculations, see Understanding Labor Rates.

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